• Chambéry area: 17 Avenue du Lac Léman 73370 Le Bourget du Lac | Grenoble area : 79 Rue Général Mangin 38100 Grenoble

Category: News & Hydrogen

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Nouvelle-Caledonie, France – Nouméa first hydrogen filling station is made by ATAWEY – December 17th, 2020

A model for green mobility in the Pacific region

Christopher GYGES, member of the government in charge of the energy sector, Gilbert TYUIENON, member of the government in charge of the transport sector, as well as two representatives of ENGIE Solutions, François LAFOREST and Philippe MEHRENBERGER participated on December 16, 2020 in the inauguration of the first hydrogen station in Nouvelle-Calédonie, designed and installed by ATAWEY.

Taking part in the deployment of hydrogen mobility in Nouvelle-Calédonie is a great source of pride for Atawey. This project responds to the island’s energy transition challenges: doubling the share of renewables in the energy mix and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector by 15%. The installation of this first station together with the purchase of two vehicles aims to demonstrate the attractiveness of hydrogen mobility: clean, silent, with great autonomy.

Because the hydrogen market is constantly changing, it is important to offer solutions that meet today’s challenges while being flexible for tomorrow. This is why ATAWEY green hydrogen station range includes solutions for pilot hydrogen mobility projects as well as evolutive stations for networking regions. Being as close as possible to market needs made it possible for Atawey to be a market leader on small and medium hydrogen stations today. Atawey now meets the needs of hydrogen station with a capacity from 2kg/day up to 200kg/day, i.e. a fleet of 200 cars.

Manufacturer of hydrogen stations made in France
Atawey hydrogen charging stations are entirely designed and manufactured in France. The majority of our subcontractors are located in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and 75% of our purchases and value added come from this same region. In addition, all jobs (design, manufacture, installation, maintenance) related to Atawey hydrogen stations are created in France.

Details of Spring 6 350 hydrogen station

The installed Atawey station is designed to meet the need of hydrogen for a fleet of 1 to 5 vehicles. This Atawey hydrogen station produces green hydrogen on site from electricity from renewable energy and water, thanks to our patented high environmental performance water electrolysis technology embedded in our charging stations. The H2Spring-6-350 station produces 2kg of hydrogen per day and can deliver up to 6kg of hydrogen per day at 350 bar.

This hydrogen station is made up of:
– an electrolyser, which dissociates the hydrogen and oxygen atoms of water by chemical reaction using electricity
– a compressor and gas cylinders to be able to store a maximum of hydrogen
– a 350 bar supply hose for recharging fuel cell vehicles

The hydrogen car will transform hydrogen into electric current using a fuel cell. The current generated will provide energy for the electric motor.

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Normandy highest capacity hydrogen station inaugurated on Dec 1st is manufactured by Atawey

One more step towards hydrogen mobility for professionals
The president of Evreux Portes de Normandie, Guy Lefrand and the president of SIEGE27, Xavier Hubert inaugurated the largest hydrogen charging station in Normandy, designed and manufactured by Atawey.

Atawey is proud to be a key player in deploying hydrogen mobility in France. The creation of regional hubs and regional networks such as EAS-HyMob in Normandy is key to developing professional hydrogen mobility. Building a network of hydrogen stations decreases the access time to stations while increasing the number of filling solutions for users during their activities and trips.
The more hydrogen stations for cars the more use and adoption of this green energy mode. The installation of carbon-free hydrogen stations along the trans-European road transport network aims to avoid 1654t of CO2 per year. 9 hydrogen stations in Normandy will be deployed within the scope of this project. Evreux filling station is the most important one and the most versatile. Developed by Atawey, with a capacity of 50kg, it is the only one of the network capable of supplying a fleet of more than 20 cars. Moreover, it is the only dispenser in Normandy with a double pressure terminal: 700 bars and 350 bars.
Because the hydrogen market is constantly changing, it is important to offer solutions that meet today’s challenges while being flexible for tomorrow. This is why ATAWEY green hydrogen station range includes solutions for pilot hydrogen mobility projects as well as evolutive stations for networking regions. Being as close as possible to market needs made it possible for Atawey to be a market leader on small and medium hydrogen stations today. Atawey now meets the needs of hydrogen station with a capacity up to 200kg/day, i.e. a fleet of 200 cars.

Manufacturer of hydrogen stations made in France

Atawey hydrogen charging stations are entirely designed and manufactured in France. The majority of our subcontractors are located in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and 75% of our purchases and value added come from this same region. In addition, all jobs (design, manufacture, installation, maintenance) related to Atawey hydrogen stations are created in France.

Detail of H2Flow-50-700 station
The installed station is versatile, designed for an intensive use of a fleet of light vehicles. It can supply 50kg of hydrogen per day and delivers a pressure of 350 and 700bar as required by the vehicle manufacturer. For example, the filling of a Toyota Mirai (5kg) is done at 700bar, lasts 3 to 5 minutes and can cover 600km. For a Renault Kangoo, which has a 1.8kg tank at 350bar, refueling takes less than 3 minutes and will allow 200km to be driven on hydrogen in addition to the 100km range on battery.

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100th hydrogen tank filling for the Clermont-Ferrand station in 2020

The Atawey hydrogen station in Clermont-Ferrand has just completed its 100th filling since the start of 2020! This represents nearly 100kg of hydrogen distributed, 10,000km traveled and more than a ton of CO2 saved!

The Clermont-Ferrand station produces green hydrogen on site by electrolysis. It is operated by ENGIE Solutions and financed in collaboration with Michelin.
“Thanks to the turnkey solution HyStart, offered in partnership with ATAWEY, we are proud to contribute to the initiation of hydrogen mobility in Clermont Ferrand. This station enables Michelin to offer a green hydrogen supply solution on its site in Les Gravanches to the pioneers of sustainable mobility in Clermont Ferrand Colis Vert, Urby…. HyStart is thus preparing the deployment of the Zero Emission Valley stations project supported by HymPulsion ”, declares ENGIE Solutions.

ZEV: “Zero Emission Valley” is the “territorial hydrogen hub” project of the Auvergne Rhone-Alpes region which includes the networking of the territory with hydrogen stations and assistance in financing hydrogen vehicle fleets. Atawey will provide 6 stations for this project.

Inaugurated in August 2019, the hydrogen station is used on a regular basis, in particular by the  last mile green delivery company based in Clermont-Ferrand: “Les Colis Verts”. Founded in 2018 by Erwan Carré, “Les Colis Verts” is the only company in the city to offer low-carbon delivery with new modes of mobility: cargo bikes and hydrogen vehicles. Thanks to their Kangoo ZE hydrogen, “Les Colis Verts” can expand its customer base to the outskirts of Clermont-Ferrand and with heavier loads. Indeed, cargo bikes only deliver packages or pallets within a restricted area with a weight limit. Erwan Carré tallks about his positive experience with hydrogen: “Driving on hydrogen helps create relationships: our local customers are very proud to use our carbon-free delivery services and ask us a lot of questions about hydrogen. We are the pioneers of a new era, happy to be part of the hydrogen adventure and are very lucky to operate in ZEV territory. “

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ATAWEY hydrogen station already delivered hydrogen to 50 cars

Inaugurated on February 14 by Laurent Wauquiez, president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and Xavier Dullin, president of Grand Chambéry, the ATAWEY green hydrogen station in Chambéry has already delivered 50 full tanks of hydrogen. Professionals with a hydrogen car, such as Taxis de Chautagne or the Vicat group, come to the hydrogen station to refuel and thus drive a range of 700 km. It is therefore 35,000km traveled thanks to the green hydrogen produced by the ATAWEY hydrogen station and a saving of nearly 4 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

This hydrogen station is part of the “Zero Emission Valley” project carried by Hympulsion and financed by the Auvergne Rhone Alpes region, ADEME, the European Union, Engie, Michelin, Crédit Agricole and Banque des Territoires. The project aims to install a network of hydrogen stations throughout the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region in order to mesh the territory and reduce CO2 emissions. The project also supports the acquisition of 1,000 hydrogen vehicles in parallel with the installation of 20 hydrogen stations.

For ATAWEY, based in Le Bourget du Lac, this is a first step towards the installation of 7 other hydrogen stations in the region and further deployment in France and Europe for other projects, like Laste Mile in Paris region.

“I am very proud to participate today in the inauguration of the first hydrogen recharging station of our Zero Emission Valley project. This positions us as the Region of excellence in Europe in terms of hydrogen development, a green and sustainable energy that creates jobs. It is the very illustration of what we can do best in terms of preserving the environment and improving air quality. It is precisely in this spirit that we are signing an agreement today with Grand Chambéry in order to finance concrete actions which will bring a real breath of fresh air to the city and surroundings. “
Laurent WAUQUIEZ – President of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region

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World Energy Day: Atawey is part of the 1000 solutions of the Solar Impulse Foundation

Today is the World Energy Day, Atawey wis proud to be part of the 1000 solutions of the Solar Impulse Foundation.

Together we are moving towards sustainable solutions for the environment, but also economically viable.

A charging station producing green hydrogen, used for mobility = zero emissions while producing hydrogen and zero emissions while driving.

Viable economically, thanks to an ecosystem that develops around the hydrogen sector.

 We are proud to be part of this adventure.

 #solarimpulsefoundation #envionmentalsolutions #sustainablefuture #hydrogen
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Atawey is pride to be part of the first hydrogen refueling stations deployment in Auvergne Rhône Alpes

Atawey is pride to be part of the #ZEV project for the hydrogen refueling stations deployment in Auvergne Rhône Alpes region. #hydrogen

#1st station in Clermont Ferrand
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“Last Mile project”: Atawey and its partners will deploy 33 refuelling stations in France

Atawey , Akuo Energy, JCDecaux and Galeries Lafayette join forces to build up the first renewable hydrogen network in France for urban mobility.

In last December, Atawey and its partners  winned the “Innovation” category of the “2017 CEF Transport Blending MAP Call” call for proposals from the European Commission. The project called “Last Mile” will aim at deploying large scale hydrogen refuelling stations network in France, in favour of zero-emissions urban logistics.
The first step of the project is the placement of 33 stations in urban and suburban areas of Paris and other French towns, and then will be expanded across Europe.

Atawey is a longstanding player in the development of decentralised hydrogen refuelling stations and Akuo Energy is the French leader in providing renewable energy. By joining their respective skills they will allow access to green hydrogen produced from 100 % renewable electricity through compact and decentralized stations across the territory.

JCDecaux, Galeries Lafayette and other partners will drive up to 400 hydrogen-powered vehicles for their last mile logistics in urban areas and plan to avoid 1,182 tonnes of CO2 per year.

Promoting a sustainable mobility across Europe, European Union will subsidize the “Last Mile” project up to of €7 million.

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For now several years, ATAWEY is part of the major actors in hydrogen technologies. After having designed and manufactured turnkey autonomous energy solutions for remote sites, it takes part to the deployment of hydrogen mobility in France.

Since the beginning, this is part of the energy transition process.

To answer the growing market of hydrogen mobility, ATAWEY manufactures and commercializes green hydrogen recharging stations. These compact, plug and play economical stations perfectly meet small cars fleet, hydrogen bicycles, handling trolleys or other specific machines requirements. Very easy to set up and to move, they are suitable for users’ expectation.

ATAWEY and Pragma Industries, its partner, manufacture and commercialize a light, innovating and exclusive mobility solution based on the hydrogen electrical bicycle including recharging station, hydrogen bicycles fleet and a range of services for a good using of the fleet.

During the COP21 in Paris, ATAWEY exhibits its mobility offer. Come and see us at Grand-Palais – Ecomobility pavilion from December 4 to 10, 2015

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Atawey presents a hydrogen bicycle prototype to the French President Hollande

“Be one of the most advanced country in term of energy transition” such is the wish of François Hollande, expressed through his Rhone Alpes trip. On August 20th, he visited the French National Sun Power Institute (INES) followed by Air Liquid’s facilities in Sassenage. During this tour, he was pleased to meet a group of French innovative companies offering answers to the energy transition and the green economy.

Thanks to the urban mobility offer (hydrogen bicycle and recharging station) made by the partnership of the two companies Atawey and Pragma Industries, François Hollande showed high interests in its advantages and also pride of the French companies inventiveness and their risk-taking to solve the challenges of the urban mobility.

Mrs. Ségolène Royal and Mr. André Vallini, respectively Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, and State Secretary for the Territory Reform accompanied the President. Mrs. Royal asked personally the attendance of the hydrogen bicycle during the COP21 in order to be presented. Jean-Michel Amare confirmed the venue of Atawey to the COP21, also said as the “climate experience” which will be hold from December 4th to 10th in Paris.


Find more about the President’s visit in Rhone-Alpes: http://www.elysee.fr/chronologie/#e10060,2015-08-20,deplacement-sur-le-theme-de-la-transition-energetique-et-de-l-economie-verte-2

The tweet of the Minister Mrs. Royal regarding the hydrogen bicycle: https://twitter.com/RoyalSegolene/status/634289970199568384?lang=fr

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Highlight for ATAWEY which launches its energy autonomy system MYE1 at INES

In the presence of Dominique Dord, deputy of Savoie, of majors sector players in energy and of many guests, Atawey launches officially the MYE1 system, dedicated to energy autonomy in remote sites.

After months of tests, in close cooperation with teams the CEA and INES teams, Atawey presents MYE1 : its energy autonomy solution for “Premium” isolated housing. Its location on the Incas* area at INES, has allowed Atawey to proceed to all necessary tests. The company is currently in discussions for settings up in France and abroad (industrial applications, mountain shelters, islands).

Jean-Michel Amaré thanked the institutions and the partners who trusted Atawey since its creation. He said that the company is a proof that French startups benefit from favorable support for their development.

*Incas : Instrumentation des Nouvelles Constructions d’Architectures Solaire