• Chambéry area: 17 Avenue du Lac Léman 73370 Le Bourget du Lac | Grenoble area : 79 Rue Général Mangin 38100 Grenoble

Category: News & Hydrogen

Atawey expands Internationally with its First Contract in Italy!

Atawey is pleased to announce the installation of its first hydrogen refueling station in Italy, set for mid-2025, in collaboration with Techfem, a major player in the Italian energy sector. This project is part of a broad Italian initiative to produce renewable hydrogen to power buses and to blend in the gas network. This is a significant milestone for the Savoyard company, which aims to be among the top three European hydrogen station manufacturers by 2025. In line with this ambition, the company plans to open its Italian subsidiary by the end of 2024.

An Evolutive Hydrogen Refueling Station at the Heart of a Major Project

It’s official: Atawey’s first station outside French borders will be in Italy! The Savoyard company received an order from Techfem to commission a hydrogen refueling station in Italy by mid-2025. As part of a comprehensive Italian hydrogen project, Techfem, an operator with over 40 years of experience in the Italian energy sector and acting as an EPC (engineering procurement & construction), has enlisted Atawey. The project aims to produce renewable hydrogen on-site using an electrolyzer powered by photovoltaic panels. This hydrogen will fuel buses through a scalable Atawey station and will also be injected into the local gas network.


Atawey is proud to contribute to this significant demonstration project in Italy, bringing its expertise in “compression, storage and distribution of hydrogen for mobility”.


“We are extremely proud to sign our first European contract with Techfem in Italy. This project marks a major milestone in our international deployment strategy and confirms our position as a key player in hydrogen mobility in Europe. We are committed to developing european partnerships, aiming both at creating local value and  combining skills to accelerate decarbonized mobility.” said Geoffroy de Roffignac, Atawey’s Commercial & Marketing Director.

A Project Aligned with Atawey’s Ambitious Goals

This order for an evolutive station materializes Atawey’s ambition to be a leading European player in hydrogen mobility. This strategic project adds to the company’s order book, which stands at nearly 25 million euros. Atawey, which views international expansion as a strategic priority, sought to develop rapidly in Italy. This collaboration is seen as a crucial opportunity to strengthen its presence in the high-potential hydrogen mobility market and plans to open its Italian subsidiary by the end of 2024.

Hydrogen is at the heart of Italy’s energy strategy, highlighted by the publication of its PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) at the end of 2020; a key instrument to support hydrogen investment, particularly in the deployment of “Hydrogen Valleys,” ecosystems combining hydrogen production and consumption.

Italy, which projects 70 AFIR stations (49 in urban nodes and 21 along the TEN-T), also reports several public and private investments. For example, in February 2024, NatPower announced a 100 million euro investment in the construction of at least 100 hydrogen refueling stations over the next six years, with the first installation planned for this summer.

Additionally, in May 2024, Italy, Germany, and Austria signed a cooperation agreement to develop a hydrogen transport network from the southern Mediterranean to northern Europe.

These examples illustrate Italy’s ambitious energy strategy, involving significant investments and international agreements to build extensive hydrogen infrastructure.

Atawey plans to go further. The company already has advanced discussions about other European projects.

“This first installation in Italy is a significant step in our company’s international expansion. This project represents not only a substantial growth opportunity for Atawey but also a tangible commitment to the energy transition in Europe. Our decision to open a subsidiary in Italy is based on our approach to creating local value and contributing to the country’s economy. Italy, with its ambitious hydrogen plan, is an ideal country to demonstrate the efficiency and reliability of our proven solutions. We are determined to continue exporting our expertise and playing a key role in the development of hydrogen mobility across the continent.” declared Jean-Michel Amaré, President and co-founder of Atawey.


“The collaboration with a highly specialized technology provider like Atawey on a groundbreaking project in Italy confirms the pivotal role of Techfem in the green hydrogen sector and its ability to take on the relevant challenges in the mobility sector, by leveraging on its engineering and execution capabilities globally.” declared Federico Ferrini, Managing Director of Techfem.

Atawey is deploying an ambitious CSR strategy!

Atawey, the reference player for hydrogen refueling stations in Europe, is delighted to announce that it has obtained an ESG rating of 52/100, positioning it as one of the most advanced companies in its field of activity and confirming the eligibility and alignment of its activity with European taxonomy.

This news comes at the same time as the completion of a report on the company’s carbon footprint – one year of activity at Atawey corresponds to an equivalent emission of 1.3 ktCO2/year, in other words the annual emission of 130 people in France – which also highlights the areas of development still to be achieved, particularly through implementing internal levers and mobilizing some of our suppliers.

An ESG rating that reinforces the eligibility and alignment of the whole company with European taxonomy

Atawey’s ESG rating, calculated by Gaïa Research (a subsidiary of the EthiFinance group and the benchmark rating agency for extra-financial company ratings), is based on a reference framework of some 140 criteria divided into 4 key areas: Governance, Social, Environmental and External Stakeholders and it demonstrates the company’s solid performance in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility.


This first rating reflects the company’s wish to have its extra-financial performance assessed by an independent third party, with no legal obligation to do so. By anticipating standards that will be mandatory by 2025, Atawey is demonstrating its commitment to sustainability.


With an ESG rating of 52/100, above the average for the sector benchmark (22/100), Atawey ranks well in all the key areas:

  • Environmental: 40/100 (compared to 12/100 average for the sector benchmark)
  • Social: 65/100 (compared to 27/100 average for the sector benchmark)
  • Governance: 41/100 (compared to 27/100 average for the sector benchmark)
  • External stakeholders: 81/100 (compared to 20/100 average for the sector benchmark)


This initial assessment also confirms the eligibility and alignment of 100% of its activity with European taxonomy, thereby rating it among the companies that are helping to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement.


Moreover, the company is in compliance with articles 8 and 9 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), the strictest and most demanding regulation governing sustainable investment funds in the European Union.


“CSR issues are at the heart of Atawey’s development strategy and we are continuing to strive to ensure lasting growth whilst meeting the challenges of creating local and sustainable value. This rating represents a real recognition of our efforts to work towards the decarbonization of society, whilst paying attention to the impact of the methods implemented and the consideration we give all of our stakeholders in order to achieve our goal” commented Jean-Michel Amaré, Atawey’s President.

A measurement of the global impact of the company’s activity and the involvement of all its employees and suppliers in rolling out an ambitious CSR strategy

Parallel to this, Atawey announced that it has been awarded a silver medal by Climate Tech Greenly, the leader in digital carbon footprinting and an expert in assessing companies’ climate performance. This recognition reflects Atawey’s commitment to sustainable practices and its considerable efforts to take up the challenge of reducing its carbon footprint.

Atawey is now in the top 25 % of companies assessed in terms of commitment to transparency as regards emissions and efforts to reduce them.


Atawey’s carbon footprint was calculated according to the Bilan Carbone® standards of ADEME (the French Agency for Ecological Transition). It should be noted that, while most companies who have their carbon footprint assessed do so based on scopes 1 and 2*, Atawey opted to include scope 3 also, assessing its indirect emissions occurring upstream or downstream of the company’s value chain.


“Our desire to act in favor of the ecological transition goes right back to Atawey’s creation and constitutes the very essence of our mission: to accelerate decarbonized mobility” said Pierre-Jean Bonnefond, co-founder and managing director of Atawey.


Atawey’s activity over a year corresponds to the equivalent** emission of 1.3 ktCO2/year, i.e. the annual emission of 130 people in France. The production of a single hydrogen refilling station*** results in a significant reduction of 2.26 ktCO2/year equivalent, compared with that of a conventional thermal refueling station.

The report also highlights the efforts that the company still needs to make to reduce its carbon footprint, particularly through implementing internal levers and mobilizing some of its suppliers. To date, 19.7 % of the company’s emissions come from the employees’ internal life (travel, supplies, meals, etc.) while 80.3% are due to the manufacture of the refueling stations (purchase of products, fixed assets, freight).


Joining a small group of companies dedicated to promoting global sustainability objectives, Atawey is determined to continue to innovate and to drive a positive change in its own sector and beyond. So while 95% of the company’s suppliers are currently French, a mobilization of the whole ecosystem is required to identify levers for reduction with each supplier. The company is already taking steps in this direction.

To complete this carbon report, Atawey actively involved all its partners, from gathering information to reporting the results and implementing solutions. In this way, the staff were made aware of the importance of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and how that could be achieved. A Climate Fresco was also organized as part of an in-house team-building day and employees were able to work as a team on a plan to reduce the company’s emissions. This active involvement of staff strengthens the teams’ mobilization around the major issue of a more sustainable economy in which environmental responsibility plays a growing role.


*Scope 1: direct greenhouse gas emissions generated by the company and its activities.

Scope 2: indirect energy consumption-related emissions that are not produced directly on the company’s site

** Study carried out at the end of 2023, based on 2022’s activity

*** Study carried out on the 3rd generation of Atawey’s “evolutive” stations

2023 revenues : Atawey exceeded targets

In an intensively developing hydrogen mobility market, Atawey once again reported major business growth in 2023. This dynamic materialized in a 2.6-fold increase in revenue compared to 2022, reaching 8.5 million euros, and an expansion of its portfolio of partners and customers. Atawey pursued sustained growth by winning orders for high-capacity hydrogen refueling stations (in excess of 1T/day) and transforming its business model from an equipment manufacturer to a supplier of solutions for hydrogen mobility. All this while remaining true to its principles of commitment, collaboration with stakeholders, and sustainable performance.

The achievements of 2023 have laid the foundations for an upward trajectory for the Savoy-based company, which aims to become a leader in hydrogen mobility in Europe by 2024, with an installed base of over 75 hydrogen charging stations following the acquisition of McPhy.

This growth occurs against a backdrop of strong dynamism in the European hydrogen mobility market, driven by European and national decarbonization policies and the arrival of new vehicle models and hydrogen refueling stations offers.

2023: very strong sales and business growth

  • Revenue increased by 165% compared to 2022, reaching 8.5 million euros;
  • Order backlog exceeded 20 million euros, confirming growth targets;
  • Sales pipeline amounted to over 100 million euros in potential orders;
  • Strong growth in operating income;
  • Expansion of its hydrogen refueling station range, including the launch of new products: the station co-developed with HYVIA (branded as Hywell®) and the high-capacity Evolutives stations (up to 2T/day);
  • Structuring and expansion of the company’s workforce with the recruitment of 45 employees, bringing the total to 100;
  • Transformation of its business model to deploy a complete range of hydrogen mobility solutions:
    • Investment in the deployment of a network of hydrogen refueling infrastructures, with an initial investment in the “Arv’hy” hydrogen production and distribution project, for which Atawey will supply, operate, and maintain the station;
    • Partnership with Hyvia, which provides an as-a-service offer for LCVs and hydrogen refueling solutions;
    • Launch of a station operation business with recurring revenues to complement the existing maintenance offering.

Outlook for 2024: Atawey among the leaders in hydrogen mobility

Following strong growth in 2023, the company is maintaining its momentum in 2024, aiming for revenue of €22 million, a further 2.6-fold increase on the previous year. To date, 75% of this target has already been achieved thanks to a significant number of new orders, testifying to the current dynamism of the hydrogen mobility market. Confirmation of this momentum is reflected in the entry into production of these new orders, which will enable the company to continue improving its profitability, and is also reflected in the company’s sales pipeline, which should enable it to achieve the same rate of growth in 2025 and 2026. Finally, the prospect of Atawey – currently in exclusive negotiations to acquire McPhy’s stations business – having installed 75 stations by the end of 2024, will position it as the company with the largest network of installed hydrogen refueling stations in Europe.

These successes confirm the company’s strategy of answering as closely as possible to the needs of infrastructure project developers, where mobility needs – both heavy and intensive – converge, and where the use of hydrogen is most relevant.

“The market for intensive hydrogen mobility is booming, and we have maintained our commercial and technological lead by consolidating our expertise and launching our first high-capacity hydrogen refueling stations. Thanks to our strategic decisions and the commitment of our teams, we are now in a position to offer our customers high-performance, customizable equipment coupled with a range of services precisely tailored to their needs, thus contributing to low-carbon mobility.

For the years 2024 and 2025, we remain resolutely focused on our strategy of integrating the best modular and efficient technologies into our stations. Our partners and customers are delighted with this approach, some of whom have renewed their confidence by placing new orders. Our plan to acquire McPhy’s hydrogen refueling station business, with its industrial facilities and fully operational teams, confirms our ambition to become a leader in hydrogen mobility in Europe,” says Jean-Michel Amaré, co-founder, and Chairman of Atawey.

Sustainable extra-financial performance

In parallel with the growth of its business, Atawey has continued to implement a number of initiatives to promote a sustainable, inclusive, and environmentally-friendly corporate policy.

The company is now “eligible” and “aligned” with articles 8 and 9 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), the most demanding and stringent regulation governing sustainable investment funds in the European Union. This compliance of its entire activity, OPEX and CAPEX, represents a significant milestone.

By becoming eligible for sustainable funds, Atawey confirms its commitment to first-rate extra-financial performance, reinforcing its reputation with investors concerned about the environmental, social, and governance impact of the companies in which they invest.

“A commitment to ecological transition has been rooted in the very foundations of Atawey since its inception, shaping the essence of our mission: to accelerate decarbonized mobility. The challenges associated with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are central to Atawey’s development strategy, and we are committed to fostering sustainable growth while meeting the imperatives of creating local and lasting value,” concludes Pierre-Jean Bonnefond, co-founder, and CEO of Atawey.

McPhy enters into exclusive negotiations with Atawey for the sale of its hydrogen refueling station business

  • McPhy has initiated a process for the sale of its hydrogen refueling station business;
  • Atawey, who is interested in acquiring the business, has become a key player in hydrogen mobility. This acquisition would enable Atawey to accelerate its development and become a European leader;
  • The contemplated transaction will enable McPhy to focus on its core business as an electrolyzer manufacturer, especially given the launch of its Gigafactory in Belfort.

McPhy Energy, specialized in low-carbon hydrogen production and distribution equipment (electrolyzers and refueling stations), announces that it has entered into exclusive negotiations with Atawey for the sale of its refueling station business. As a reminder, the supply of stations accounted for 32% of McPhy’s revenues in 2022, with a portfolio of projects signed, commissioned and/or under execution, representing 40 stations.


Successful negotiations shall enable McPhy to allocate its resources primarily to electrolyzer manufacturing, while ensuring further expansion of the stations business by leveraging the capabilities provided by an industry leader. Thanks to a portfolio of 30 installed hydrogen refueling stations and 10 years’ experience, Atawey is indeed one of the leading players in the French market. By bringing together the two station activities, this will accelerate Atawey’s growth and create a European leader.


McPhy and Atawey share common history and values, as key players and pioneers in the French hydrogen mobility sector. Their geographical proximity, successful collaborations on several projects and complementary station offerings should ensure the success of the transaction. The merger would indeed enhance the value of the investments made for the Grenoble site and enable Atawey to support the strong growth of its business by acquiring an additional industrial facility and high-quality technological expertise, as demonstrated by McPhy’s recent commissioning of several stations. Should the sale process come to an end, McPhy intends to remain involved alongside Atawey to ensure the continuity of its station business, in the interests of all stakeholders.


The repositioning of McPhy’s focus on electrolyzer manufacturing has been driven by the need for greater specialization in each of the hydrogen industry’s core business activities, given the strong growth in the market. The size of hydrogen projects, particularly for industry, is expanding rapidly, requiring more resources for the mass production of high capacity electrolyzers. McPhy will now exclusively devote to this task, drawing on its pan-European industrial setup, including its upcoming Gigafactory in Belfort and support functions in Grenoble, France, its engineering site in Wildau, Germany, and its manufacturing facility in San Miniato, Italy.


McPhy will continue the ongoing negotiations with the required confidentiality and will inform the market of its possible outcome, especially should a binding offer be received. During this period, particular attention will be given to the execution of ongoing projects and customer satisfaction. In addition, an information-consultation process with McPhy’s employee representatives will be initiated depending on the progress of the divestiture project. Those representatives have already been informed at this stage of the ongoing process.


Jean-Baptiste Lucas, Chief Executive Officer of McPhy, comments: “We have decided to initiate the process of selling off our station business in order to concentrate on developing our electrolyzer business. By combining equipment manufacturing activities for both the production and distribution of hydrogen, McPhy has benefited from a significant learning curve, making its transition towards industrial scale easier. The possibility of associating our teams with the emergence of a new European leader by selling our station activities to a recognized player, with whom we share fundamental values, is undoubtedly a path to pursue. Concurrently, our Gigafactory dedicated to the new generation of electrolyzers, whose construction is nearing completion, will require the mobilization of all our resources to become a major player in the substantial low-carbon hydrogen market.”


Jean-Michel Amaré, CEO and co-founder of Atawey, adds: “This is a fantastic opportunity to confirm Atawey as a European leader in hydrogen stations. The complementarity nature of our activities and the proximity of our corporate cultures will help us to achieve a transaction that satisfies all our stakeholders, including first and foremost our employees. This would undoubtedly be a major step forward not only for Atawey, but also for the structuring of the French hydrogen mobility ecosystem.”


Next financial event:

  • Publication of 2023 Annual Revenue, February 5, 2024, after market close



About McPhy

Specialized in hydrogen production and distribution equipment, McPhy is contributing to the global deployment of low-carbon hydrogen as a solution for energy transition. With its complete range of products dedicated to the industrial, mobility and energy sectors, McPhy offers its customers turnkey solutions adapted to their applications in industrial raw material supply, recharging of fuel cell electric vehicles or storage and recovery of electricity surplus based on renewable sources. As designer, manufacturer and integrator of hydrogen equipment since 2008, McPhy has three development, engineering and production centers in Europe (France, Italy, Germany). Its international subsidiaries provide broad commercial coverage for its innovative hydrogen solutions. McPhy is listed on Euronext Paris (compartment B, ISIN code: FR0011742329, MCPHY).




Atawey is France’s leading provider of hydrogen mobility refueling solutions, with 40% market share and thirty stations installed since its creation.

Founded in 2012 by Jean-Michel Amaré and Pierre-Jean Bonnefond, Atawey designs, manufactures and distributes hydrogen refueling stations contributing to the deployment of hydrogen mobility in France and Europe. Atawey has developed a complete range of high-performance, modular charging stations (compact station, evolutive station, mobile station). These different solutions are designed to support the ramp-up of hydrogen use in local areas, and offer solutions tailored to all hydrogen project developers, from pilot projects to complete network coverage.

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H2 ecosystems: a new step for Atawey

With more than ten years’ experience and expertise in the design, manufacture and distribution of hydrogen refueling stations, Atawey, a key player in the hydrogen mobility sector, has in just a few years become the French leader in hydrogen refueling stations (with more than 40% of stations installed by the end of 2022). Thanks to its expertise, its wide range of modular and scalable stations, and its in-depth knowledge of H2 ecosystems, Atawey is also as a partner for hydrogen mobility players.

From initiating H2 ecosystems

HYVIA, the joint-venture equally owned by Renault Group and Plug dedicated to hydrogen mobility, announced on 29 September that it had chosen Atawey to co-develop a new hydrogen refueling station : “HYWELLTM by HYVIA”. This station is part of a much bigger project, as HYVIA been able to deploy a complete and unique offer of H2 ecosystems on the European market.


« I’m delighted and proud of the work accomplished with the ATAWEY team since we decided on this partnership last year. We share the same vision. Our teams are working on a key solution to initiate H2 ecosystems, ready to support the rapid deployment of intensive H2 mobility. » – says Franck Potel, Director of Partnerships at HYVIA.


The latest addition to the range of compact stations designed and manufactured by Atawey, this hydrogen refueling station has been sized and designed to support the successive phases of decarbonisation of professional LCV fleets.


« This compact station joins our portfolio of hydrogen refueling stations, a portfolio that is adapted to the different needs of the market. It is the fruit of our expertise and industrial know-how, and reflects our ability to support hydrogen players from the earliest stages of their projects, offering them a solution tailored to their specific needs. », says Pierre-Jean Bonnefond, co-founder and Managing Director of Atawey.


Thanks to its Compact and Plug & Play architecture, this station can be deployed quickly and easily on the most constrained installation sites, requiring little civil engineering and simplifying administrative procedures.

Thanks to the integration of the MC Formula system to optimise filling time for users, and a bigger compression and storage capacity than previous versions of compact stations, this new hydrogen refueling station has been designed to optimise the user experience. The station has a distribution capacity of 100 kg/day of H2 and can refuel 20 to 25 vehicles.

Another advantage is that the investment and operating costs of this new station make it possible to initiate carbon-free mobility H2 ecosystems very easily.


« This station once again demonstrates Atawey’s ability to support hydrogen players. We had already proved this with our mobile station, which was deployed as part of the ‘Hynova’ project. Because for regulatory reasons relating to port areas, no other type of hydrogen refueling station could be installed. This mobile station was also adapted to Hyliko’s needs in terms of initiating heavy mobility ecosystems, thanks to a solution that includes trucks and stations ». – says Jean-Michel Amaré, co-founder and chairman of Atawey.

Towards mass deployment of intensive mobility

These projects demonstrate Atawey’s determination to become one of the key players in the French and European H2 ecosystems. From vehicle tests to the initiation of the decarbonization of professional fleets, Atawey is accelerating the deployment of hydrogen mobility.


This acceleration is also reflected in its range of high-capacity hydrogen refueling stations (the evolutive stations), deployed in particular along major European routes by project owners such as HYmpulsion, to support the rise of hydrogen applications.


« Because if there’s one thing to remember about our compact stations, it’s that they’re just the beginning of tomorrow’s mobility. Mobility that will require large-capacity stations, and who today can predict how large they will be ? In any case, Atawey will be there to answer », concluded Pierre-Jean Bonnefond when he spoke at the opening of the HYVIA H2 Ecosystem Event on Monday 2 October.


More than just a manufacturer of hydrogen refueling stations, Atawey is the partner of choice for accelerating hydrogen mobility all over the world.

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Atawey, the French leader in hydrogen refueling stations, is racking up awards and is rolling out its high-capacity stations

The Savoie-based company, which manufactures, designs and distributes hydrogen refueling stations, is experiencing a wonderful alignment of the planets!


France’s leading manufacturer of hydrogen refueling stations (with more than 40% of the total installed base1) is delighted to announce that it has been selected as the winner of the first batch of the French Tech 2030 programme, a new national programme run by the General Secretariat for Investment, with the support of Mission French Tech and the expertise of Bpifrance.

This is a sign of recognition for Atawey, which now offers one of the widest ranges of stations on the European market, including high-capacity upgradable stations (up to 1.3 t/d) designed to meet the needs of the growth in intensive mobility.

Selected from among 840 applications, Atawey joins 125 other emerging players in French innovation in a programme combining financial and extra-financial support. Atawey’s major objective is to help emerging French technology leaders to emerge in all the France 2030 vertical areas, so that they can develop and shine on the international stage.

At the same time, Atawey has won two awards: from the industry and at local level

Atawey is also one of the winners of the first France Hydrogène 2023 Awards, which recognise players in the hydrogen industry for their dynamism and value creation.

Atawey received the Innovation Award for its mobile hydrogen refueling station.

Launched in 2022 and designed by the company’s R&D teams, this station represents a major industrial innovation. The station moves to the customer, whatever the need.

To speed up commissioning (less than 4 hours) and avoid the station being unavailable, it incorporates two innovative programmes, also designed in-house : ata’Start and ata’Check.


Atawey has also been selected to take part in the 2023 edition of the “Climate Solutions Accelerator” programme run by the Cannes Lérins conurbation. The aim of this local event is to bring together developers of practical solutions with elected representatives from the area, to help prevent the effects of climate change.


These various awards and programs are recognition of the efforts made by the company, which for over ten years has been working to accelerate hydrogen mobility in France and internationally. The company’s DNA, based on innovation and industrial expertise, means it can meet the expectations of different markets and adapt to the changing needs of hydrogen mobility.

HYmpulsion renews its confidence in Atawey

As good news never comes alone, Atawey is pleased to announce a new order for three high-capacity stations from HYmpulsion, the company responsible for the operational and commercial implementation of the Zero Emission Valley project. These three hydrogen refueling stations, each with a compression capacity of up to 1.3 tonnes of hydrogen per day, will enable the Zero Emission Valley project to continue its development.


This major project, backed by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, plans to deploy more than 400 hydrogen-powered light vehicles (commercial and passenger vehicles) and more than 115 buses, lorries and coaches by 2024, making it necessary to set up appropriate hydrogen refuelling stations. With an initial distribution capacity of 400 kilograms of hydrogen per day, the stations ordered will eventually be upgradable to 1.3 tonnes per day, enabling Atawey to meet the requirements and needs of the Zero Emission Valley project.


This new order for three stations is the logical continuation of a long-standing partnership, since the first two stations in the Zero Emission Valley project were manufactured and installed by Atawey and are already being operated by HYmpulsion: the first in Chambéry and the second in Moûtiers.


With station availability rates of over 95% and daily monitoring, Atawey is positioning itself as a key player in hydrogen distribution. Like the stations in Chambéry and Moûtiers, these three new stations will incorporate the international MC Formula filling protocol. This extremely complex refuelling protocol saves energy and increases station availability. It also enhances the user experience.



Atawey is the first French manufacturer to incorporate this technological innovation.


The three future stations will be installed by 2024 in Annecy, Valence and Salaise-sur-Sanne, south of Lyon. These strategic locations will make it possible to create hydrogen corridors – in line with European programs to deploy massive hydrogen infrastructures along major traffic routes – between Lyon and Valence and Valence and Annecy. The aim of creating this network is to support the development of a low-carbon mobility sector in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, while ensuring that heavy goods vehicles can be refuelled on European cross-border routes.

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Technogas and Atawey join their expertise to accelerate hydrogen mobility in BeNeLux

At a time when the hydrogen sector is developing throughout Europe thanks to an incentive policy of public investment and the accelerated evolution of the regulatory framework, Technogas, a company that designs, assembles and maintains pressure-reducing and metering stations for the gas network, is pleased to announce the conclusion of a partnership with Atawey, a designer, manufacturer and installer of hydrogen refueling stations.   Together, Technogas and Atawey will offer a turnkey solution to facilitate the deployment of hydrogen mobility in BeNeLux. It’s a coherent alliance for the two European companies, who place the reliability of the solutions they offer at the forefront and wish to support businesses in the decarbonisation of their uses.

Modular, complementary stations coupled with a 360° service offering

With this partnership, Technogas and Atawey will offer a turnkey solution: product (the hydrogen refueling station by Atawey) and service (maintenance and technical operation by Technogas), so that companies can benefit from a complete, reliable and sustainable solution.   On the one hand, Technogas, a benchmark player recognised for its expertise and the quality of its offerings, which has been working in the industrial and renewable gases sector for more than 50 years, is looking to expand its business portfolio in a field in which it already has a great deal of experience: hydrogen. The company is thus entering a new dimension and becoming a player in low-carbon mobility.   Atawey, on the other hand, has been an expert in the design, manufacture and installation of hydrogen refueling stations for over 10 years, and is keen to deploy its technological expertise, network and in-depth knowledge of the sector on an international scale. The Savoie-based company’s range of hydrogen refueling stations includes mobile stations that can be deployed in half a day, and upgradable high-capacity stations (up to 1.3 t/d) for intensive use (logistics, heavy mobility, public transport, etc.).   In addition to equipment sales, this partnership offers comprehensive support for associated services. It covers the entire value chain of a hydrogen infrastructure project, from design to maintenance and operation.

A coherent partnership

By signing this partnership agreement, the companies are combining their complementary advantages to meet the challenges of climate change and low-carbon mobility. This is an obvious choice when you realise that we need to move forward collectively if we are to achieve the carbon neutrality targets set by the public authorities.   “We are proud to have Atawey as a partner, a company that has been committed from the outset to offering a unique local value proposition and to designing its stations in a more sustainable way,” says Laurent FEMONT, Director of Technogas. “Atawey’s products and values are a natural match for the services offered by Technogas, and it is through this type of virtuous agreement that we will be able to offer complete and coherent solutions to the hydrogen mobility market.”   “Today, Technogas ensures the highest quality of service in all the areas in which the company has been able to develop. Our two companies want to support the carbon-free mobility market with proven technology and a customer service that is as close as possible to businesses and local authorities,” says Geoffroy VILLE, International Sales Developer. “We are enthusiastic about this partnership, which is proof that concrete solutions do exist.”
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Atawey : first French manufacturer to implement MC Formula

While hydrogen mobility is being structured throughout France and internationally with the launch of new hydrogen ecosystems in many territories, Atawey, the French leader in hydrogen refueling stations (with more than 40% of the operational stations1), is pleased to announce the integration of the MC Formula refueling protocol on all its evolutive refueling stations capable of delivering up to 1.3 tons/day. This extremely complex fueling protocol allows the station operator to improve station availability – and therefore maximize the number of charged vehicles each day – or to reduce its energy use at equivalent filling speed.
By being the first French manufacturer to integrate this international fueling protocol, Atawey stands out as an expert in hydrogen distribution.

MC Formula, a unique fueling protocol with multiple benefits

Two major international refueling protocols for hydrogen refueling stations currently exist: the so-called “table-based approach” protocol, or the “MC Formula” protocol.
Each hydrogen refueling station manufacturer is free to apply one of them; each being attached to the international standard SAEJ 2601.

The most standard protocol, since it is easier to implement and less expensive to install, is the table-based approach. The refueling parameters are calculated at the beginning of the refueling and cannot vary throughout it. This method thus determines a refueling speed according to the ambient temperature and the expected temperature of the hydrogen leaving the station.

The second one is called MC Formula. More complex to implement, this protocol enables the refueling time optimization by recalculating the refueling speed every second according to the actual temperature of the hydrogen delivered.


The MC Formula protocol offers greater flexibility of the hydrogen refueling station facing hydrogen temperature variations, while the table-based approach method imposes very strict operating ranges.

The MC Formula refueling protocol allow more flexible operational parameters of the hydrogen refueling station, and avoid untimely stops and failures, improving the availability of the stations and the use rate. It thus makes it possible to offer a better user experience.

Second advantage of this complex protocol, at an equivalent filling speed with a standard protocol, the station is less energy consuming – from 15 to 20% gain, depending on the model. Since the upstream lines between the hydrogen storage area and the filling nozzle do not need to be pre-cooled, the station requires less material and energy consumption at the start of refueling.

This protocol offers a double advantage for the operator: adaption to his needs thanks to an energy and financial gain and increase in the number of vehicles to be refueled daily.


« Atawey’s DNA since its creation has always been to integrate strong technological expertise internally with R&D teams, a manufacturing plant in France and constant listening to the needs of its customers. We had already demonstrated this by expanding our range of hydrogen refueling stations last year with high-capacity evolutive stations and mobile stations. This new technological step strengthens our position as a leader, expert in hydrogen distribution throughout the value chain and allows us to meet all the needs of hydrogen ecosystems.» says Jean-Michel Amaré, founder and CEO of Atawey.

Atawey, first French manufacturer to integrate the MC Formula protocol

Atawey’s R&D teams worked for many months to be able to integrate this new protocol.
« We wanted to be able to integrate this new protocol quickly on our hydrogen refueling stations. It’s done and we are proud to be the first in France! This progress reflects our ability to implement new refueling protocols and adapt to each of the next regulations and changes in future needs. We work daily with all the links in the chain to optimize our hydrogen refueling stations: from vehicle manufacturers to our operators and users who come every day to refuel with hydrogen.» explains Guillaume Havard, Product Design Manager at Atawey.

It should be noted that the evolutive stations in operation in Chambéry and Moûtiers are already equipped with this new protocol, and all the new stations coming out of the Atawey factory will integrate the MC Formula.


« This new protocol is a valuable asset to address optimally the massive deployment of hydrogen mobility, both in France and internationally, and in particular for the construction of European hydrogen corridors. » says Jean-Michel Amaré, founder and CEO of Atawey.

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Atawey develops a large capacity Evolutive hydrogen station

After announcing the launch on May 2 of its first mobile hydrogen charging station, Atawey is taking a step further for low-carbon mobility. The Savoyard company, announces the start of production of a new model of its range of Evolutive hydrogen refuelling station. This large capacity Evolutive station will have a distribution capacity of 400 kg can be upgraded to 1.3T of hydrogen per day, to go along with the growth of uses over the lifespan of the projects.

This station will have the specificity of having one or more distribution terminals to simultaneously recharge several vehicles. At the same time, the company will deploy sales and technical teams in France and Europe to support hydrogen project leaders as closely as possible to the territories, from design to construction and operation.

The large-capacity Scalable station is available for pre-order today for first deliveries in early 2023.

We offer products that contribute to the mass deployment of hydrogen infrastructure in France to respond in particular to the arrival of heavy vehicles and the acceleration of fleets of light commercial vehicles.” commented Jean-Michel Amaré, CEO of Atawey.

A high-capacity station that allows you to control financial investments by adapting to the evolution of projects while optimizing operating costs

While most European regions have now detailed their hydrogen strategy and project announcements are multiplying throughout the territory, Atawey, a major player in hydrogen recharging stations with 24 stations installed in France, wanted to support project holders at all phases of their deployment. Atawey’s R&D teams have worked on an Evolutive refuelling station that completes the range of Atawey stations already available on the market. This new station makes it possible to deliver a large capacity of hydrogen and adapts to the evolution of projects over time (more vehicles and/or new types of vehicles for example) while maintaining the same footprint. It makes it possible to “phase” the project and thus reduce its financial impact.

With its distribution capacity of 400kg to 1.3T of hydrogen per day at 350 and 700 bars, from a hydrogen source pressure of 30 to 500 bars, the station makes it possible to recharge light vehicles, heavy vehicles (buses , coaches and trucks), forklifts, trains, boats, special machinery (Dumpsters, snow groomers, etc.) simultaneously thanks to several integrated charging stations. As it takes five minutes to charge a car, and 15 minutes for a heavy vehicle, the “multi-terminal” function will support the deployment of mobility. This station, entirely designed and manufactured by the Atawey teams, will be able to respond to numerous market segments; deployment of fleets of all types of vehicles in a territory, logistics & supply chain market, bus depots and other vehicles, ski resorts, etc.

With one of the smallest footprints and the best energy performance on the market, while incorporating a very high level of reliability, this station has many innovative features:

– The key functions of the station fit into a 20-foot container. Only the cooling unit, stock and  distribution terminal(s) are external;
– Optimized energy performance: management of hydrogen compression and cooling, adaptation to different inlet pressures, control of the electrolyser;
– Some key components are doubled to ensure increased reliability; guaranteeing optimal operation even in degraded mode;
– Simultaneous charging of all types of heavy and light vehicles at 350 and 700 bars with full international compatibility with the CEP filling protocol

Tailor-made support

Throughout the lifespan of a project, the Atawey team will be present to provide tailor-made support:
– A dedicated project manager, from the customer order to the installation of the station: detailed studies, layout and civil engineering, regulatory procedures, etc. ;
– Operations support with tailor-made training or support;
– Preventive maintenance adapted to the use of each station;
– Support service for the daily monitoring and continuous improvement of the stations: Remote supervision and corrective maintenance;
– Optimization of algorithms and updating of programs throughout the life of the station.

We are going to support the marketing of this new station with the deployment of sales and technical teams on French territory in the coming months, then from the end of the year, in Europe.” says Jean-Michel Amaré, CEO of Atawey.

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Atawey Mobile station in details

While the entire hydrogen sector is developing in France, Atawey, a major player in hydrogen charging stations with a 40% market share, announces the launch of its first mobile hydrogen charging station. Developed and produced in the Atawey workshop, the Atawey mobile station will help accelerate the deployment of carbon-free mobility in Europe.

The set up takes only half a day thanks to automatic tests and its resistance to transport. Compatible with all available hydrogen logistics solutions, this station will make it possible to respond to many market segments; construction market, transition station, fixed station back up during maintenance, event or even as a demonstrator in test areas.The first station is available today and can be mobilized on request.

The first mobile station with an internal compression unit

Announced in September 2021, Atawey’s first mobile station took only eight months to leave the production workshops of the company that specializes in green hydrogen charging stations in France. Atawey’s 15 R&D engineers and 10 production technicians managed to meet the production deadlines for this unprecedented technological innovation. Designed as an intuitive tool with a touch screen, the Atawey mobile station incorporates an internal compression unit, which facilitates the distribution of large quantities of hydrogen.

With its distribution capacity of up to 150 kilos of hydrogen per day and a hydrogen source pressure of 200 to 500 bars, the station can recharge light vehicles but also buses, trucks, forklifts, dumpsters, utilities, boats, snow groomers etc.

A station that can be mobilized in less than half a day to respond to many markets.

Ready to refuel in less than half a day (the fastest set up on the market), the Atawey mobile hydrogen station has been designed to be installed quickly and be used in full autonomy by the operator:

– The station is easily transported on roadways by a trailer;
– Its resistance to shocks has been specifically studied to respond to the problems of transport;
– “Automatic” procedure tests allow the operator to configure the station in a very short time and in complete autonomy;
– Intuitive control screens simplify the day-to-day management of the station.

Usable for many applications, the Atawey mobile station makes it possible to deliver hydrogen anytime, anywhere.

In a booming sector in which there are still many project holders awaiting a fixed station, the Atawey mobile station can be used as a bridging station while waiting for their permanent station or even as a back up for a fixed station when it is under maintenance. But the mobile station can also be used for more temporary needs: construction sites integrating a need for hydrogen, events, seasonal uses such as yachting or in ski areas, development and testing of vehicles for manufacturers, demonstrations of hydrogen vehicles in a territory etc.

A mobile station has already been produced by the company and can be rented on request.

To allow the various markets to discover this new mobile station, it will be presented at numerous hydrogen fairs and events in France, including Hydrogen Days in the Territories, organized by France Hydrogène in Rouen from July 5 to 7, 2022. Many French and European players have already shown their interest in the Atawey mobile station and it will be in operation this summer.

Technological innovation, the company’s DNA

Since the creation of the company in 2012 by its two co-founders, Jean-Michel Amaré and Pierre-Jean Bonnefond, technological innovation has been integrated into the heart of all industrial developments. “The mobile station that we are bringing to the market today is a new step in our technological developments. Our R&D team is working hard to be able to offer a 700 bar version of the mobile station from 2023. We are also finalizing a large capacity Scalable charging station. Our offer is expanding to offer long-lasting solutions adapted to the needs over time of our various customers and project holders,” says Jean-Michel Amaré, CEO of Atawey.