2014 NIDays Awards
It is in the context of the 2014 NI Days: “the annual engineers, scientists and lecturers meeting”, that ATAWEY won the award for the best applications, all categories included (“Super Laureate”) for the piloting of an energy autonomy system for isolated sites based on hydrogen technologies.
The NI Days were held on the 11th of February 2014 at the CNIT at La Défense, Paris, and were dedicated to system graphical conceptions, including more than 50 technical conferences on various themes such as embedded systems validation, sensors and industry 4.0.
ATAWEY had the opportunity to introduce its energy autonomy system destined to isolated sites (housing and industrial applications), respectful on the environment and based on the combination of the production of renewable energy and the secured storage of the excess energy in high quantity and over long periods of time through the hydrogen technologies.
A flexible device specifically designed for hard-to-access isolated sites and answering challenges associated to energy supply, renewable energy production irregularity (high variation between peaks of production and highly demanding periods like Winter), and their storage (50% of the renewable energies production is lost, wasted due to insufficient storage capacity).
The contest organised by NIDays allowed ATAWEY’s innovative device to be rewarded again by the energy and innovation industry experts.